The intersection

of Passion,


and Care.

The Centre is dedicated to transforming lives through innovative medical education and research that improve healthcare


The Centre works from the point of injury to the operating room with focused procedural and research efforts that define EVIDENCED-BASED practice and SAVES lives.



What others are saying

“Better Patient Outcomes”

“Your help was extremely instrumental in the patient’s positive outcome.”

- Dr. Joseph Alderete

“Experience of a Lifetime”

The best experience I have ever had. I would say “mind blowing” because that’s exactly how I felt. The

staff are very intelligent and have a magnificent way of teaching students. The placement of IOs and

intubations will never be the same after what we have been taught.

- John S. NREMTP

“Tremendous Resource”

“The Centre…is a tremendous resource for the Dept. of Defense’s Military EMS & Disaster Medicine

Fellowship Program…The power of civilian-military partnerships like this is essential if we are to

eliminate preventable death in the pre-hospital setting.”

- Colonel C. Kharod, USAF, Ret.

32304 Short Hill Bulverde, TX 78163

Call (830) 228-4504

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